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Sustainability Plan


Our 2024-2026 Sustainability plan is developed in three dimensions:

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Prevention of climate change, care for biodiversity and promotion of the circular economy.

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Education, health and respect for human rights.

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Corporate governance

Ethics and transparency, and support for the professional development of our value chain.

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Climate Change:
▪ Contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
▪ Improve water use efficiency.
▪ Reduce traditional energy consumption.

Circular Economy
▪ Reduce the impact of using plastics and other non-renewable materials.
▪ Adjust processes to implement circular economy practices.

▪ Reduce the use of agrochemicals through the beneficial fungi laboratory project.
▪ Enhance contributions to biodiversity conservation by protecting and developing protected forests.
▪ Improve crop processes oriented towards sustainable agriculture by adopting regenerative farming practices.
▪ Soil care: avoiding the use of peat.


Human Rights:
▪ Sustained and progressive increase in female participation within the company.
▪ Actions to prevent violence and discrimination.

▪ Create job opportunities and foster human development for employees.
▪ Continuous training through scholarships for university-level teacher education in social topics.
▪ Work training for teenagers from rural areas.
▪ Connectivity for high-altitude mountain schools.

▪ Promotion of physical activity and outdoor living.
▪ Organic garden.
▪ Ongoing talks and workshops on health prevention and care.
▪ Certification as a smoke-free space.

Corporate governance

Organizational Management:
▪ Improve policies and procedures related to social, environmental, and ethical issues.

Organizational Management:
▪ Raise awareness and provide training for employees and suppliers on ethical conduct, transparency, and accountability.

Value Chain:
▪ Invest in the continuous improvement of performance through the maintenance of product and social certifications.
▪ Strengthen the supply chain and enhance due diligence processes.

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